The mission of the CYO is to offer all who are eligible the opportunity to participate in our the CYO sponsored programs. Participation in athletic events is to be considered primary. “Competition and winning” are by-products of participating and are of lesser importance. Participation, complete honesty, and fair play, demonstrated by coaches of unquestionable Christian and moral character, provide youth with direction to grow in the image of Christ.
All student parishioners are invited to participate in the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) sports: Volleyball, Football, Flag Football, Track, Basketball and Cross Country.
Please remember CYO Sports are open to all students of the parish regardless of which school they attend, so please share this information with your friends and neighbors. Playing CYO sports reinforces our Christian values, builds a strong sense of community, and enables your son or daughter to play under the Nativity team name.
For more information on how CYO sports will be implemented during this time, visit
Click a sport for more information:
Cross Country
Flag Football
It is impossible to have a successful season for any sport without parent volunteers. The committee is always looking for VIRTUS-trained individuals to help coach or to help facilitate the sporting events. To volunteer, please contact the Athletic Director. A form is provided below if you have questions.
Athletic Director: Kelly Hendrickson
VIRTUS Requirement
Adults who work with, or are in contact with children under the age of 18, in any capacity on the parish level, school level or any activities associated with the parish and/or school, must go through the VIRTUS training. After the training, all paperwork, including the release form, which authorizes the parish VIRTUS coordinator to run a background check. Visit to register for a class. Questions? Contact Karen in the Parish Office at 913.491.5017.