Dear Friends of Guatemala,
We have secured the date of June 21 returning June 27, 2025 for our trip. Note this is a Saturday to Friday trip. The cost of the airline tickets this year is higher than in 2024 at $1,100. Due to the higher cost, we will be charging $1,650 per person. We are very excited about going next year and hopefully we will have a full trip as our breakeven number of participants is 25 people.
For those who have not attended, the trip fees include airfare, ground transportation to and from the airport in Guatemala, food and lodging, and money to pay for the projects we do for the local people. We stay at a convent with the nuns and it is super fun! We have individual rooms for couples or families and each room will have its own bed(s) and bathroom with a shower.
We try to complete a number of projects while we are there such as building cinder block stoves, chicken coops, concrete floors and roofs. These are such rewarding projects but you do not need to know how to do any construction. We have masons who help us and will instruct you on the finer points of masonry work! Please do not be intimidated regarding the projects! This is a great trip for high school or college students who need to complete 40 service hours.
To secure a place on the trip, a $200 non-refundable deposit is due by December 20, 2024 as we have to provide close to a final head count to my travel agency for the seats blocked. This trip also qualifies for a 501c3 nonprofit status from a tax deduction standpoint.
Make your check out to Church of the Nativity in the memo line add Guatemala Mission Trip 2025
Mail checks to me at the following address:
Nancy Grasse, 4913 W 131 Ter, Leawood, KS 66209
Please send me an email if you are interested in attending. Feel free to forward to others as this trip is not limited to only parishioners of Nativity.
If you have any questions or would like to talk, feel free to either email or call me.
Yours in Christ,
The Guatemala Mission Trip Team (Jane Carson, Frank Caro and Randy Monson)
Nancy Grasse
Recap of our Summer 2023 Guatemala Mission Trip
Church of the Nativity Guatemala Outreach Mission works to foster awareness of the values and needs of the people of San Andres Itzapa, Guatemala. This program has been very popular and allows participants the ability to live within the community of San Andres and to see first-hand how our trip directly serves the local people. This is a life changing trip for all people.
In June we sent 24 volunteers to San Andres Itzapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala. This was the 5th trip to Guatemala after our trips were cancelled for three years due to Covid. Based on the particular needs at the time within the community, we might build chicken coops, pig pens (plus a pig), concrete floors, new roofs and cinderblock stoves. We also visit the homebound bringing supplies such as food, toilet paper and staples for those in need. We also visit the special needs children’s orphanage called Los Gozosos.
With each trip, we provide employment for at least 15 locals of the community as coordinators, interpreters and masons. The projects put money back into the community as the materials are purchased locally for each project.
Travelers stay at the convent run by the Carmelite Nuns (Carmelo de Nazareth). The nuns work within the community of San Andres Itzapa and Parramos to coordinate the projects based on the individual needs of the family.
A new program called “Sharing the Change” was established in 2019. This program is so very powerful for the woman of San Andres and Parramos to build confidence, learn a new trade skill (sewing etc.), improve the local community and living a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families. Once a woman “joins” Sharing the Change she will attend meetings helping her to learn a trade to support their family. If the woman stays with the program for a minimum of one year, then she is eligible for one of the projects we build (floor etc.) This program provides a lift up for themselves and their families. As it is so frequently stated “give a person a fish you feed them for a day, teach them to fish allows them to eat everyday”. This is exactly what this program does for these women.
We have sent over 146 people to Guatemala and 25+ have gone two or more times. The age ranges of the participants have been 13 to 80 years old.
Watch the bulletin for the 2024 Trip Dates and information.
Here are a few quotes from our recent trip:
“What an experience in Guatemala, even after 5 times there, every experience is unique and this one was another wonderful, enlightening, humbling, spiritual adventure. “
“Several changes this year provided a plus to this mission trip. Extending the trip by a day allowed for another full day of projects to help those less fortunate. Distributing food baskets to families at the convent was extra special to allow us all to hear their stories of need and thankfulness.”
“I also credit the Guatemalan people and our fellow travelers who recognized the common humanity of each other in a genuine bond of love. It was a beautiful thing to behold and experience. Just beautiful.”
“I was blessed to meet new members on this trip and renew friendships with those from previous trips. Seeing the joy in the faces of the hermanas (sisters) during bingo, the movie, smores and especially when the youth helped with dishes was a delight.”
Sharing the Change Program
“To me, the overall theme was 'breaking the cycle' - I was surprised by the number of women who were locked into relationships in which they were abused largely by alcoholic partners. The important work Jamie and her team are doing enables women to have choices and control over their lives which then will influence how their children are being raised."
“I was moved by the messages of the young women who spoke with us and how this program is changing their lives. How it was building self-confidence and independence. How they want to go to school.”
“What was also so impressive this year was the process of family selection for the projects by encouraging & impowering the families to improve their lives.”
Visiting the Homebound
“The woman in front of me is 86 years old, the same age as my grandfather. Born in the same year, only thousands of miles apart. Her hair is platinum white, and her eyes are only half open, as if sunken by the world. The vibrant embroidery of her dress contrasts drastically with her skin, which has been darkened and creased by years in the sun. She tells us that she is incredibly lonely. All her kids have moved away except two, who take care of her.”
Little Free Library
“I started out very focused on the idea of getting a Little Free Library to San Andres (and many books to fill it). The library ended up being a small but significant part of the trip for me I am so proud that it was built. We handed out many, many free books! Some people were shocked that they actually got a 'free book' like they won a prize. Things we take for granted.”
Mission Statement:
Catholic Social Teaching reminds us that we are one human family and our responsibilities to each other cross national, racial, economic and ideological differences. While we continually strive to ease the pain of poverty in our own community, no one can truly grasp the degree of suffering that exists throughout the world until they experience it themselves.
Church of the Nativity Guatemala Outreach Mission works to foster awareness of the values and needs of the people of San Andres Itzapa, Guatemala. Our goal is to assist in improving the lives of the poor, while both communities grow and benefit from each other on our shared journeys of faith, hope and love.
There have been four trips over the past two years to San Andres with close to 100 people attending. Our projects range from tiny houses to cinderblock stoves, cinderblock pig pens, chicken coops, concrete floors and visiting the home bound and a special needs orphanage.
If you are unable to serve on our mission trips, you can make a donation. Make your check out to: Church of the Nativity and include Guatemala in the Memo Line. Any amount is appreciated but here are a few specific needs:
Project and Price
Tiny House $1000
Stove $175
Concrete Floor $150
Big Chicken Coop $275
Bag for the Sick Visit (each bag) $25
Minister $10
Additional Travel Information:
We have received a few questions regarding shots required for the trip. If you are concerned with any health or travel related questions, we recommend you contact your primary physician and/or the CDC website ( or website ( for guidance. Remember, Kansas City Catholic parishes have had more than 20 years of safe trips to San Andres, Itzapa, Guatemala. Over 2,000 people have safely traveled there and back with little or no incident.