Religious Education Families
Grade K - 6 7th & 8th Grade Confirmation PrepClass Times: Wednesdays 4:30-5:30 p.m. or 6:30-7:30 p.m.
First Day of Class: September 4, 2024
Cost: $75 per student ($150 max per family)
2024-2025 Calendar
Registration Form for Religious Education 2024-2025
We need parent volunteers: Click Here to volunteer
Policies Absences Attendance is taken weekly. Please inform the office if there will be a prolonged absence. When there are duplicate, unexplained, absences we will check with you via email or phone. Student Drop off and Pick up Arrival: Kindergarten – 8th Grade Parents may drop off their students for Religious Education without walking them to class. Students should enter the front doors of the school and wait in the cafeteria for classes to begin. Pull forward and have your students walk up the sidewalk to the front doors. If you have younger students and would like to walk them to class, you are welcome to do so. Dismissal: Kindergarten – 6th Grade Parents will park and come into the building to pick up their students at their classrooms. There will be no front row parking to limit the backing up of cars during dismissal. Please do not use the handicap spots unless you have a handicap tag. 7th & 8th Grade Students can leave from the lower level if they are 7th and 8th Graders. If they are with younger siblings, they need to leave through the front doors of the school. Please remember to be kind and take your time in the parking lot. We realize we are all busy and have many places to be but please be mindful of others in the parking lot. Please pass this information to grandparents or care givers who help you get your kids to Religious Education class. Discipline For the most part we have very acceptable behavior in our classes. Sometimes there are some breeches. When this occurs, teachers are being asked to: 1. Correct immediately with respect. 2. Talk to the student privately if there is a recurrence. 3. Refer the student to the coordinator, if change does not occur. 4. Parents will be contacted by the coordinator to assist with the problem if there is no improvement. Early Dismissal Since classes are for just one hour, we discourage early dismissal but when that cannot be avoided, we ask that you send a note to the classroom teacher. Your student may be picked up on the upper level only. We ask that parents do not go to classrooms since this is a distraction to the class. If you write a note for them to come to the car by the front door, we will accompany them to you. Weather policy We adhere to the Blue Valley School district calendar. If they do not have school, we will cancel classes. When weather conditions are threatening, we will make a judgment call on whether to cancel or not. The safety of you and your children is our main concern. Please check your main email address for notification about class cancellations.