God created us to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven. Through service to others, we learn about ourselves and build our relationship with Christ.
The primary purpose of the required service time is to emphasize that followers of Christ are called to be persons of service. As confirmed Catholics, using our abilities to serve the needs of others is part of our faith commitment.
Service Requirements:
As Confirmation Candidates, you are expected to do 30 hours (15 in 7th grade, 15 in 8th grade) within your family, within your parish family and within the broader community. Your service may be performed alone, with friends, with family, or as an organized activity, but all need to be done with parent knowledge and approval. Upon completion of your time of service, you will complete a reflection on your service (Religious Education students complete a service reflection sheet, NPS students will complete a service report (written in religion class). Use this opportunity to find where your gifts are, and how you can serve others using those gifts and talents.
The Corporal Works of Mercy:
Feed the Hungry
Give Drink to the Thirsty
Clothe the Naked
Visit the Imprisoned
Shelter the Homeless
Visit the Sick
Bury the Dead
Suggestions for Parish Service Projects:
Service at St. Mary's Food Kitchen on one our parish service dates
Set up/clean up or other help at a parish event or activity
Help with clothing, food or gift drives
Help an elderly or disabled parishioner by doing yard work, etc.
Help with bake sales, religious item sales for parish purposes
Help with Operation Breakthrough, St. Benedict’s Children’s Center, etc.
Suggestions for Community & Family Service Projects
Shovel snow, do yard work, or other chores for neighbors
Visit a shut-in, the sick or the lonely
Help a classmate with homework
Visit the elderly in a nursing home
Help a young child or brother/sister learn their prayers
Help a young child or brother/sister accomplish new challenges
Assist in a program to repair housing for the elderly or others in need
Help with community food collections or at food pantries
Great opportunities for service occur all the time. We just need
to be alert and willing to serve!
Service Opportunities: Click Here