Sponsor Requirements:
At least 16 years of age
Confirmed in the Catholic Church
Active participant in the Catholic Faith
Continually striving to model and follow Christ in word and action
Willing to serve as a spiritual mentor
Role of Confirmation Sponsor
Spiritual Guide
Good listener
Prays for candidate
Willing to share their own spiritual journey
Supports the candidate
Potential Sponsors
First consideration should be baptismal God parents. Baptism and Confirmation are linked together along with Eucharist as the sacraments of initiation. Baptismal sponsors would be a good first choice of a sponsor for Confirmation.
Older siblings of Confirmation candidates who have the experience, understanding and willingness to serve as a spiritual mentor
Adult parishioner active in the parish life
Parents of classmates who are active in their faith in the parish or neighboring parishes
Religious Education teachers who are active in their faith
Parents of Confirmation candidates (they already have a most important role in their children’s lives)
Good Christian adults who are members of another faith denomination-in other words, their church is not a Catholic church
Siblings of the candidate who are not at least 16
Click Here for Sponsor Information Form