St Mary’s Food Kitchen is located in downtown KCK. It provides a nutritious lunch to the underprivileged - 365 days a year.
The Church of the Nativity has been supporting St Mary’s food kitchen from the beginning of the church. Our parish serves at St Mary’s food kitchen the 3rd Sunday every month. On average, we provide a hot meal to approximately 250 guests each month.
Students can participate in 2 ways; volunteering to serve or preparing food.
To Serve: You need to be 13 years old and accompanied by a parent to serve at the kitchen. If students want to volunteer they can sign up to serve using the sign-up sheets that are in the St. Joseph room on the second Sunday of the month. The sheets are available before Mass on Saturday.
To Prepare Food: If students want to prepare food they can pick up a pan with the recipe for that month or they can sign up to bring desserts, salad, fruit, or beans. They would drop the donated or prepared food by 9:00am the following Sunday in the lower parking lot.
The volunteers meet in the lower parking lot at 8:45am on the third Sunday. We load the food in our vehicles and depart at 9:00am. We are usually back by 1:00-1:15pm.
Nativity cooks and serves meals the third Sunday of each month. Pans and sign-up sheets are in the vestibule the weekend prior to Nativity serving.
Contact: Mike Amos