Volleyball is open to girls in grades 3 - 8. Team formation evaluations are held in August during the first week of school for NPS. Coaches are always needed. We welcome all students and parishioners regardless of ability or previous experience.
Evaluation Dates: Nativity Gym--players must attend BOTH NIGHTS. These times are subject to change.
Evaluations TBD.
Each player is expected to attend with their age group on BOTH nights (similar to basketball evaluations).
3rd and 4th grade will be divided evenly by Last Name—No evaluation will be held.
Coaches are always needed! Contact me to volunteer today!
Kelly Hendrickson, Nativity CYO Volleyball Coordinator
Volleyball is open to all Nativity parishioners in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. The volleyball coordinator sets up each tryout session (two for each grade; 5 - 8 only), in which volleyball skills are objectively evaluated by third-party individuals. Based on skill level, girls are placed on A, B, and C teams for their grade. The Nativity CYO Volleyball Coordinator or Director of Athletic Ministries will notify the player of their team placement. The Volleyball Coordinator and DAC have no participation/vote in this process.
Per CYO rules, 3rd and 4th grade volleyball is/and will be handled as an instructional league. Therefore, no full skill evaluations will be made at this time and all players receive equal playing time.
Required Uniforms
Players are required to purchase a Nativity volleyball jersey. All players need knee pads and appropriate gym/running shoes.
Practice is held once a week for 3rd grade and two times per week for grades 4 - 8. TBD by each coach after teams are formed. Every effort will be made to accommodate each team request.
Games are played on weekends beginning in September. For game schedule and locations, please visit www.cyojwa.org. Schedules are posted around Labor Day.
*Students are allowed to play two CYO sports in a season, meaning girls can play both volleyball and run Cross Country and boys are able to play football and run Cross Country if they wish. Runners are required to participate in at least one Cross Country Meet during the season in order to participate in the CYO Cross Country City Championships.
Parent volunteers are needed and each must be VIRTUS-trained prior to having any contact with the team. Click here for more information about VIRTUS training, or contact Karen McDonald in the Parish Office, 913-491-5017.
If you have any questions, please contact your physician’s office or the CYO Office at (913) 384.7377.
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