Wednesday, May 14th – Friday, May 16th 2025
What & Why: Optional 8th Grade Nativity Parish trip to Washington DC to provide a capstone event prior to high school that, as a parish, promotes FAITH, LEARNING, SERVICE!
Who can go on this trip? Starting May 2025, the graduating 8th grade students of Nativity Parish and the guardians of those 8th graders that want to accompany. All 8th grade participants must be in “good standing” with the school and religious education program.
I do not attend Nativity School; can I still go on the trip? Absolutely, the trip is open to all 8th Grade Nativity Parishioners. The trip will not be complete unless our entire Parish community participates.
Does my child need a parent to go with them? No, but parents, guardians or caregivers are encouraged to go! You know your child best. If they want/need a little more parental supervision, then make it a priority to join. The other adults will thank you later. All adults participating in the trip will be required to be Virtus-trained. (VIRTUS® Online (
What about my other kids? Sorry, the trip is reserved for 8th Grade parishioners and their guardians only. Simply, no siblings allowed.
What are the expectations of the parents/guardians going on the trip? Enjoy this amazing opportunity with your 8th Grader. We expect adults on the trip to be active in leading/chaperoning a small group of students. We are asking you to be more than a tourist, but a fine example .
Who is leading and operating the trip? Although we have the full support of Father Mike and the parish, this trip is a non-school-sponsored event. We have enlisted the company Grand Classroom ( to operate the trip. Grand Classroom was founded in 2002 as a company focused on student educational travel and will be working through the two parent advisors (Ben Powers and Luke Meyers) to execute the trip. Several Johnson County parishes have been using this same company for the last few years and have been happy with the organization. This means Grand Classroom assumes liability, plans travel, offers security at night, etc. Nativity School and the Religious Education Program will help distribute communication but will NOT be points of contact for information or execution of the trip.
When: Fly out morning of Wednesday, May 14th and return late night on Friday, May 16th, 2025!
When will I receive more details on the trip? There will be an in-person information session at the Nativity Parish Hall in April 2024.
What is the cost? $1589/student; $1889/adult, based on a planning factor of 35 total Nativity parishioners (students and adults). A $250 deposit will be required in May 2024.
What if my child really wants to go, but this cost is prohibitive? Hopefully this timeline allows enough time for financial planning for this trip, but we absolutely do not want cost to be the main reason your child cannot attend. Please reach out to Mr. Luke Jennison ([email protected], Principal of Nativity Parish School) or Catie Klocke ([email protected], Religious Education Director of Nativity Parish) with specific financial concerns/needs. Financial assistance will be handled with confidentiality on a case by case basis.
What does the trip include?
Points of Contact for Questions:
Luke Meyers: [email protected]
Ben Powers: [email protected]